Saddled with the usual Gene Deitch trademarks.
12 May 2017
The outraged owner of a wild west cheese shop insists that Sheriff Mutt Dillin must do something about cheese rustler Jerry the mouse. Enter Tom, the fastest trap in the west.

There's actually a couple of decent gags in this Gene Deitch directed T&J caper: Tom loads a trap from his holster with cheese from his bullet belt, and falls victim to a trick played by Jerry that involves a flight of stairs and a light switch. Unfortunately, the cartoon is still saddled with the usual Gene Deitch trademarks—bad puns, horrible human characters, surreal slapstick, jerky animation, crudely rendered backgrounds, bizarre sound effects—all of which still make it a challenge to sit through.

The main positive I can take from having seen this one is that It leaves me with only three more Deitch cartoons to go.
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