Chastity (1969)
Worth seeing
14 April 2017
I have watched this movie several times and get more out of it each time I watch it. Whether artistically or what the movie conveys.Cher in her 1st solo movie.Screenplay by Sonny. He used many things about Cher's life and put them in to his screenplay.The pre-Cher,that is. The opening sequence shows an outline of Cher's head with many images running through it,reminds me of how many things I think about and how they get shuffled about.Do we get answers to them? We see Cher running.What is she running towards or away from. We don't know that until the end until we get the story. Chastity is an old enough to runaway.At that time,there were many runaways from whatever they may have experienced in their home life. She uses men.Her wits. Her sharp tongue.Her curiosity about life.She uses the streets to survive by any means. Yes,Chastity is looking for the love she craves for.When she gets it she is afraid and runs. She makes her way to Mexico.Ends up in the hands of a madam.With the madam,I believe she is looking for the love from her own mother. She gets it but this woman wants more.Chastity runs back to the lawyer wanna be.She seems settled but her she can't escape her past that happened at an early age and we find out why she runs. Its no female version of "MIDNIGHT COWBOY",but does ask a lot questions and how we would handle it if we were in her situation or whatever makes us run or stay.Some uses the street to survive.Others use the streets to get off. We all look for love. Some people don't get it. Some feel they don't deserve to be loved because of whatever they had encountered.
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