Review of Iron Girl

Iron Girl (2012)
Watch 5 minutes and save yourself 85
30 March 2017
If you have any question about some of the positive reviews here, watch the first five minutes of this flick. If you are wondering if the rest of the movie gets any better, no it doesn't. I made that mistake and watched to the bitter end-- and witnessed the most ridiculous final lines of any movie I've ever seen. Honest... after the first 5 minutes skip to the last 5 minutes. Believe me, you won't spoil any of the movie and you will quickly understand that you can safely skip the waste-of-time in between.

This is the worst script-writing, worst acting, and worst dialog I have ever seen in an Asian film. The only redeeming factor is a pretty actress playing the main part and a rather impressive-looking super-suit. The rest is just tripe. The only viewers who will find this fascinating are those who get an adrenaline rush from the lowest of low-brow entertainment. Oh, a fight scene! Oh, A titty flash! Oh, fake-looking blood! If your I.Q. is higher than the temperature in wintertime, you'll do better with your time than watch this abuse of a camera. There are so, so many better films. Don't let the super-hero hype fool you. This is just... bleh. Yes, that's the appropriate word: bleh.
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