Review of Solo

Solo (1970)
Brotherly love
21 March 2017
Jewel-thief and professional violinist Jean-Pierre Mocky (Vincent) realizes that his younger brother Denis Le Guillou (Virgile) is behind a series of terrorist attacks in France. Guillou is part of a small cell that are ruthlessly dedicated to their politically misguided cause and Mocky wants to set things straight with baby bro. Can he get to him in time or will the police beat him to it?

This film follows Mocky's journey – he doesn't support the revolutionary cause but he certainly comes across a couple of the terrorist comrades. He even has a nickname for one of them who he keeps calling "Idiot" to his face. So, we have an element of comedy that is nicely done whenever Mocky has to interact with these people. There is also a great orgy scene towards the end with a rather amusing spanky spanky scene as one of the wealthy participants pulls his trousers down and asks a lady to spank out some dictation on him. All this is watched by Mocky and we have to agree with his sentiments as he smiles through this occasion. Ha ha. There is one other orgy scene at the beginning of the film which is a good way to start the film with a shocking impact. Be clear that this is not a porno, though. It's just the 1970s so that means you get some boob scenes.

As for being a jewel thief, the best song about that is by Prefab Sprout and it's called "The Best Jewel Thief in the World" from 2013. Maybe Mocky had heard it and it inspired him onto his career.
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