For Besser or for worse...
20 March 2017
Well, I probably won't make a habit of reviewing these Besser solos, like I did some of the Deritas. I remember years ago, when first getting the "Rare Treasures" set, that solo Besser didn't leave a great impression with me & unfortunately--after one fresh viewing of Lurch--my opinion has not changed much.

I don't mean to sound "Hateful" about Joe--I've said many times in the past that I've enjoyed him as a supporting player with Abbott and Costello & even think he has his moments as a stooge & that the downfall of those last 16 stooge shorts wasn't all "Joe Besser's fault."

Having said all that, I just find it hard to take his "overgrown sissy-man act" in strong & regular 16 minute doses. It's fine for a few chuckles at first, then it just gets old--very quickly. The only other laugh I can remember is Vernon conking that lame Rodney Bell & Bell's reaction (oh, pop).

Again, I don't want to come off as an unmitigated Besser basher, so maybe this will be my only comment on Joe solo, but to those people out there who do find this to be a "great" short, my hat is sincerely off to you.

4 stars
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