Acquanetta, more than just an Italian hairspray.
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Exotic Aquanetta, aka the captive wild woman, shows off her thespian talents in the third of the "Inner Sanctum" series as the model of that seductive romantic idol, Lon Chaney Jr. Jealous over his engagement to Jean Parker, the cold Acquanetta arranges an accident that leads to Chaney's blindness. The segment of Chaney losing his sight is very scary as his pupils fill the screen all white and the vision blurs down to darkness.

A corneal transplant has eye doctor Jonathan Hale hoping that they can restores his sight. Paul Kelly as the psychiatrist friend of Chaney's notices Acquanetta's "primitive" nature, giving way to her obsession growing as she takes care of him after he dumps Parker. When a potential donor is murdered, Chaney's sight is restored, but the so-called dead man's eyes take over Chaney's personality as he faces trial for the murder of the person whose eyes he now possesses.

With some intelligent medical information in regards to medical advancements, this has some intriguing developments, but predictably takes some strange twists. Chaney continues his thought process of speaking over the action, but fortunately he's not whispering this time around. The acting isn't bad here, and even Acquanetta is sincere, if unremarkable, but at least she's not insipid. There's just a lack of consistency in her line delivery. I just didn't find her obsession with Chaney realistic. Thomas Gomez is amusing as an easy going police detective with a knack of manipulating the truth out of suspects.

Interesting to notice that a nightclub sequence features an outtake of a musical number from a Universal 1932 crime drama, "Night World", superimposed over shots of Chaney and Parker at a night club. A fun but far fetched story, it has periods of superb psychiatric visions into the human soul, but suddenly switches into the absurd with plot developments so outlandish that the film suddenly becomes cartoon like in its development.
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