Silent Nights (2016)
Great Performances But Mixed Message
26 February 2017
Silent Nights (2016)

*** (out of 4)

A Salvation Army worker finds herself falling in love with a refugee from Ghana even though it means her relationship with her mother might fall apart. Soon as her love begins to blossom she learns a secret about him.

SILENT NIGHTS comes from Denmark and for the most part it's a nice film that contains some very good performances. With that said, there's no question that the message it's trying to give is quite mixed to say the least. The film is about refugees who come to a new country in hopes of making money for their families and we deal with that subject as well as some of the abuse they receive. The film certainly wants to preach about how people should be helped yet the refugee here does some questionable things to where it's somewhat hard to fully like him. With that said, the film is good for what it is and the two lead performances make up for any flaws in the story.
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