Wild & Crazy Kids (1990–2002)
Wild and Crazy Fun
13 February 2017
One of the things I always liked about Nickalodon as a kid were the game shows, they always had the most creative and interactive game shows I've ever seen, even as an adult I still would love to play those games.

This is my fifth favorite game show and it's also another one of my childhood gems. This was a game show that was really unique because this was one that didn't take place on any closed set but actually outdoors which is cool and was something unique for it's time.

The teams didn't actually win any prizes (or none I knew about) but it didn't matter because the purpose of this game show was to simply have fun and that what were here for. In a way the whole show was sort of like the games you would play on a outing in the park but taken up to eleven.

The hosts were fun Donnie Jeffcoat and Omar Gooding whom of course is Cuba Gooding Jr's bro. Both including the girl (forgot her name sorry) had charisma and really looked like they were having a good time doing the show, even they got to engage in the games a bit themselves which is cool seeing host participate which I don't see much. And the music is great this has a really cool rockin theme which is another of my favorite themes.

Each of the episode took place in a different outdoor setting and each of the events were something different you never really knew what the next one was which made the game all the more interesting because it gave it a sense of unpredictability.

What made the games unique are that they had a sort of homemade quality to them, their the kind of games that you would make up at the playground or backyard. And to me I think that's great in a way the show sort of promotes creativity, that anyone can make fun games themselves. As well as outdoor play, the importance and joy of going outside to play under the sun and breath the air.

Also this show is one of the ones that had the most games in each episode which is really cool because I love variety, this also made the show even more unique because in most closed set game shows they can only hold so much variety and it's most of the time the same game over and over again which makes the game show a bit redundant (weard to say since most usually are). Here there is no redundancy from the constant changing variety of each of the events on every episode.

And a lot of the games are memorable there are too many to describe so I'll just say a few favorites of mine, like the live action "Space Invaders" game which was cool and was just as nerve racking as the original video game. Despite how slow the people move there are so many of them and each of the formations move in different patterns which make them targets not so easy to hit. It's always fun just seeing the contestants nail the targets with giant water balloons, I always love water balloon fights.

Another is an R.C. car race, really love the design of the track however what made this one unique is that there are hidden explosives (small ones of course) on the course. This really added a risk factor to R.C. racing because it's a matter of not just getting ahead of the other car but how fast or slow you should go, as long as you don't cross paths with the explosive.

And finally there is the roller coaster ride, where the contestants have these Big Gulp sized up to hold while they ride the roller coaster. The catch is that they can't let too much of the colored liquid to spill out, if the level is too low or it splashes out the contestant loses. I'll admit that would be hard to do considering the physics of the ride, though it was always fun just seeing the contestants getting splashed by the liquid.

Wild and Crazy Kids is Wild and Crazy fun.

Rating: 4 stars
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