Outcast (2010)
Trainspotting Meets The Western Meets Werewolves
28 January 2017
My Dad is a massive fan of werewolf movies . My own opinion is that you've seen one werewolf movie you've seen them all and they're very formulaic . So when my Dad gave me this DVD it could only mean one thing - a werewolf movie so bad my Dad had no inclination to watch it again . Never a gift horse in the mouth I did console myself looking on the DVD backcover to find it was directed by Colm McCarthy who made the recent hit THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS and who is in my mind a director to keep an eye on

Certainly McCarthy knows how to bring a bleak and brutal background to a visual story . OUTCAST is set on the council schemes of Edinburgh and filmed in such a way this Edinburgh is the anti-thesis seen in the festival brochures . It doesn't feel like the Edinburgh I know and love and this is in no way a criticism . Mood is everything and compared to this film TRAINSPOTTING is LA LA LAND

The underlying problem is that there's little beyond OUTCAST apart from its oppressive atmosphere . The story itself is often confusing and the narrative feels better suited to a Western where two tough gringos ride in to town looking for a runaway . When James Nesbitt character walks in to a bar I kept expecting someone to ask for soda-pop . There's not a lot in the way of werewolves either and the belated effects are faintly ridiculous which tend to bring the entire film down and makes for a painfully uneven movie
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