From the Novel by Zane Puce
14 January 2017
When a gang of outlaws put Andy Clyde's ranch house under siege, daughter Alice Day recruits college heart throb Ralph Graves to save daddy. Can even Tiny Ward beat bad man Vernon Dent in this funny Mack Sennett comedy?

Ralph Graves was a straight dramatic actor whom Sennett hired for a few seasons to fill out his comedies with someone who could actually be a romantic lead, while the comics did funny things around him. Later, he went back into straight drama, doing adventure movies for Frank Capra -- who was an uncredited gag writer on this one.

Like many of Sennett's farces, the title is intended as little more than a place holder: this is set out west, so we'll give it a title that suggests that Tom Mix movie. The gag writing is wonderful, and the best performance is by Vernon Dent, who had an ability to show anger that was at once deadly serious and very funny. He was a fine comic actor who was welcomed by many shorts producers through the end of his life.
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