I'll have pleasant dreams only if your in them
17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Hugo Haas classic that he wrote directed produced and stared in as bar owner Dragomie Dimitrof who gets involved with hot blond Mary Adams, Cleo Moore,who just served two years of a five year sentence for grand larceny. That of her stealing from her previous boss' Gregory Stark,Leonid Snegaff, $25,000.00 of his ill gotten gains from book making and loan sharking that she later hid under an oak tree in the park.

Giving herself up to the police and without any proof of her crime-the hidden $25,000.00-Mary is still sent up the river for five years that she gladly accepts! Now out on bail and getting a job as a waitress at Mr. Dimitrof's bar restaurant Mary finds out that her boss is facing the loss of his business. That's by him gambling away all his money-$5,000.00- in an around the clock crap game and may have to apply for government assistance to just be able to survive! Mary telling Dimtrof where she hid the stolen $25,000.00 for him to use to bail himself out would never hears from him again feeling that he took off with the cash and left her out in the cold. That's until she tracked down Mr. Dimitrof driving around town smoking Havana cigars with a late model car and beautiful dames on his side and living it up and partying day and night in the expensive Shangri-La apartment complex!

***SPOILERS*** Going to see Dimitrof and have it out with him about stealing her money Mary finds him out cold from all night partying and when he came to, and grabbed her, smashed a wine bottle, that he had emptied out, over his head killing him. Or that's when Mary thought until the facts in this strange and screwy movie proved otherwise!

Despite the gorgeous blond Cleo Moore providing the eye candy in the film it's without a doubt Hugo Haas who makes the biggest impact in the movie. Haas as Mr. Dimitrof can be both good and bad at the same time and when he gets it, over his skull, he at the time more then deserved what happened to him. The twist ending at the end of the film had Mary in feeling guilty, by finding out that Mr. Dimitrof in fact didn't steal her money,in smashing in Dimtrof's skull then gives the money away to the "Sacred Heart Orphanage" and turns herself into the police for the murder of Mr. Dimitrof. Only to find out that she'e in danger of being arrested not for his murder but for issuing a false police report!
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