Put another record on!
8 December 2016
Women directors make more and more their presence felt in the French cinema ;Some of their works are highly commendable ("Gemma Bovary" "Par Accident" )and would make their pioneer ,Jacqueline Audry ,proud,some fall into the dreadful "feel good" zeitgeist which begins to mar the French scene: so does the dreaded "Echappée belle" ,and so does ,to a lesser degree, " the musical chairs"

The beginning promises good things (read the screenplay on the IMDb page);unfortunately promises remain on hold.This is a spate of clichés ,in a rosy world where everybody's nice and everybody's beautiful....

.....except for the unfortunate wounded man's fiancée ,but do not worry ,Perrine will see to it.As soon as she plays the violin in the hospital for her "victim" in a coma ,everything is predictable ,from the "empty" hospital room scene to the brat and the dog ,from the would be old-fashioned songs (a hundred times better than the ditty the heroine "sings" for her "audition" ) to the "unexpected " mistaken identities of the last sequences .Even the "Darth Vader" act is not funny .

A very unpleasant line in the dialog :"Seznek ah ,the murderer!" ;it has yet to be proved that Guillaume Seznek was really guilty.
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