This American taxpayer-funded "propaganda piece" . . .
30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . seems to emanate from the brain of Hitler's Videographer, Leni Riefenstahl. FIGHTING TOOLS depicts a typical Nazi Commando as being a great singer with a grenade-throwing arm even Cleveland Indians Fireballer Bob Feller would envy. FIGHTING TOOLS grants that the Germans' unquestioning adherence to Fascist Discipline about even the tiniest details concerning weapons care has given America's Axis Enemy perhaps an insurmountable Headstart toward an ultimate triumph in World War Two. FIGHTING TOOLS also suggests that American grunts on the ground are likely to be captured, and confined naked in prison camps until America's surrender. (When you binge-watch HOGAN'S HEROES on Hulu, don't forget that American television censorship standards in the 1960s did not allow for a show to picture 50 guys in the buff, no matter how historically accurate; NAKED AND AFRAID's Pixilation Technology did not exist back then, either.) With Pvt. Snafu's FIGHTING TOOLS either full of muck, Unhosed, or rusty from lack of use, perhaps it's for the best that he's not shown Full Frontal here.
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