Among the series' most entertaining
24 November 2016
The Falcon films, both with George Sanders and Tom Conway in the lead role, are on the most part very enjoyable. There are some very good ones like the first two Sanders Falcon films and 'The Falcon Strikes Back', though also a few disappointments like 'The Falcon in Danger'.

Generally, 'The Falcon and the Co-Eds' is one of the most entertaining Falcon films and one of the better ones too. By all means, it could have been a little bit better, with it getting off to a sluggish start and while the film is never dull once and has a diverting story with some great and wonderfully unusual twists and turns (with a very surprising reveal), it occasionally feels a little rushed as a result of the running time being as short as it is and there are a couple of loose ends that confuse things a little.

However, The music is lively and haunting enough, and on the most part the production values are slick and atmospheric with particularly nicely done photography. William Clemens directs efficiently. Further advantages are a very playful script with dialogue that crackles with wit and a mostly absorbing story that is never less than bright, breezy and fun with some suspense, great twists and turns and a very exciting climax.

Conway continues to thrive and enjoy himself as the title character, everything that Sanders brought to the role are also present in Conway's performance and with full impact. Cliff Clark and Edward Gargan's comedy is more understated this time round, but they are nonetheless amusing still. There are some great female characters too, Rita Corday is alluring and sassy and Amelita Ward is significantly less annoying than in the previous Falcon film.

It is true though that one of 'The Falcon and the Co-Eds' biggest delights is the 3 Ughs, such delightful characters performed with the perfect balance of sultriness, charm and often hilarious comic timing.

Overall, among the most entertaining and best of the mostly very enjoyable Falcon series. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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