Very good mid-1930s musical
23 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know exactly why, but I didn't have high hopes for this film, but I quite wrong. A very good mid-1930s musical! Let's start out with the negatives. Chief among them was the casting of -- or perhaps I should blame it on the director on the performance of -- Buddy Ebsen. I'll admit to not being a particular fan of Ebsen's, and perhaps that's quite a bit to do with his sting on "THe Beverly Hillbillies" in the 1960s, but I am really not impressed here. It seems to me that what they (or he) wanted to do with his character was to make a White Stepin Fetchit, except that Lincoln Perry was more talented. I really see NOTHING entertaining about Ebsen's acting here, and his dancing is not much more than satisfactory. My other criticism is the sneezing routine; what a waste of celluloid.

Aside from those 2 issues, there's quite a bit of good stuff here, starting with an otherwise fine cast. Robert Taylor is very good as the trying-to-be a Broadway producer. Eleanor Powell always impresses me with her dancing, although this is not her finest performance. Judy Garland is really good here as a teenage girl on her way to stardom, and this is the film where she performs her memorable love letter to Clark Gable ("You Made Me Love You"); what a fine vocalist she was even at this young age (15). It's great to see Sophie Tucker, particularly where she does a somewhat short version of "Some Of These Days"; she also plays a wonderfully sympathetic character here. George Murphy shows just how good a dancer he was, and that was darned good...although sometimes he had to look down, while Fred Astaire never would have. Robert Benchley is here, but adds little. Billy Gilbert is very funny in his constant apoplecty.

In terms of a plot...well it's a hodge podge of horse racing, a Broadway play, love and jealousy, and dreams of stardom. Yes, a hodge podge, but it somehow all comes together without seeming to silly.

While this is not one of the later great musicals put out by MGM, bu mid-1930s standards, it's very good and well worth watching.
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