Nice Girl? (1941)
20 November 2016
In 1941, Deanna Durbin was the biggest star at Universal and helped to save the sagging studio. However, this film represents a big of an awkward period. Up until this period, Deanna played young and virginal characters but by 1941, she was entering her 20s and having her play such roles was problematic to say the least! So, instead of a small change, the studio decided to try to titillate and named her next film "Nice Girl?" and they publicized that this sweet young lady would get her first screen kiss. Unfortunately, the film also is rather dull and when seen today it's not exactly a crowd pleaser.

The dull and slow-moving plot finds Mr. Oliver Dana (Robert Benchley) trying to raise his three daughters with the help of his housekeeper (Helen Broderick). The main focus is on Jane (Durbin) and whether or not she'll get the slow-witted Don (Robert Stack) or Richard Calvert (Franchot Tone). As for Don, he's much more interested in cars than sex and Richard is downright old compared to Deanna (he's 16 years her senior). It's all punctuated with Durban singing and ends with her singing a rousing patriotic tune--which varied depending on if you lived in the US or UK!

As I said...slow and dull. Not a bad film but one that never help my interest and was far from one of Durbin's best.
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