Chuck Norris is his usual bad ass self.
31 October 2016
Walker, Texas Ranger ran for 203 episodes, from 1993 until 2001. Revolving around a tough Texas Ranger (Norris) who fights tireless to uphold the law and maintain the moral balance.

Chuck Norris is his usual bad ass self. He isn't as ruthless as usual, mostly because of his Captain job and his family life with Alex (they're married and have a daughter, Angela, played by Danilee Kelly Norris), but he's still Chuck Norris and he can still kick ass. Sheree J. Wilson isn't in the movie as much as you'd expect her to be. She has an easy back and forth with Norris and it's obvious that they're comfortable with one another.

Clarence Gilyard, who played Walker's partner James Trivette during the show's entire run, appears for a cameo only.I believe Gilyard's cameo is just a cameo because he had other commitments he couldn't get out of when the movie was made.

I'll skip everything else, you'll just have to watch it. Now, the ending. I don't want to give away any major spoilers here, but the movie ends on a major cliffhanger that, at least at the moment, has no chance of ever being resolved. It was probably thrilling when the movie originally aired, but after all these years it's just annoying. Why the hell didn't CBS do a sequel? Why leave the show's fans in limbo over what happened? Wouldn't a sequel pay for itself after rerun airings and DVD sales? I'm pretty sure Chuck Norris and Walker, Texas Ranger fans would want a sequel.

I have some issues with this, but Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire is a pretty good decent TV movie. Chuck Norris kicks ass in it, and it's just generally entertaining. It's just too bad that it didn't get a sequel and we still don't know what happened at the end. We need resolution, man. Maybe CBS will come to its senses, and give the world a real ending to the Walker, Texas Ranger story.

Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire watch it as soon as you can. Rating: 8.0/10.0
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