It's tough to enjoy a documentary when you really are not exactly sure what they are trying to say to the audience.
27 October 2016
"Meet the Hitlers" is an intriguing idea...to interview various folks who have been named Hitler. However, the execution of the film left me confused and a bit cold. Part of it is because the focus of the picture was so diffuse. Part of it was because a few of the folks were just disgusting human beings and I didn't want to see them get any attention. Some of the folks in the film were born with the name Hitler and chose not to change it. Those folks and their decision NOT to change it I was curious about and wish the film had zeroed in on this exclusively. However, it also went off on tangents--such as a white supremacist jerk who recently named his kids Hitler, Aryannation and the like as well as the 'investigative journalist'. As for the journalist, he was curious about Adolf Hitler's surviving family who moved to the United States. Not surprisingly, they changed their last names and wanted anonymity. After all, they'd done nothing wrong...yet this writer insisted on dredging up their family past and even acknowledged that the surviving family members did NOT want any of this happen! A few of the folks named Hitler just seemed rather pathetic and uninteresting.

Overall, the film has some fascinating moments but simply was a mess to watch due to the strange focus and featuring horrible folks (NOT born with the Hitler name) as well as those who didn't choose this name or notoriety. I really didn't like the film nor did I respect the filmmaker's choices.
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