The Flash: The New Rogues (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
More metas, more Wells
26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mirror Master finally debuts on this show and he's not alone. He has his girlfriend Top with him as well. While we didn't get much focus on them it was a good enough of of a debut in my opinion. His powers were cool and the whole action scene where Barry chases him up the buildings was awesome. Top's powers were cool too but I thought she would have the ability to spin fast as well, perhaps she'll have learned that in the next episode they appear. Hopefully their next episode will allow them to be fleshed out as characters.

They have really extended the length of special effects scenes in this season compared to the previous two. We had a similarly long chase scene just two episodes ago. I've noticed that in every episode so far this season we've seen speedsters run on buildings, I wonder if that'll continue in the whole season. It's great to see that they are thinking creatively with the effects like the world-twisting effect from Top's vertigo inducing powers and the boat from last episode. Just watching the trailer for the next episode only shows that the effects department is at full work regarding this show.

Harry leaving was sad but the whole "let's find a new Wells"-mission was fun, especially the hologram messages that were shown. I knew they weren't going to pick him but I thought the french Wells seemed like a nice person and the wild west Wells was funny. Tom Cavanagh is excellent.

Barry and Iris' relationship continues to develop and unfortunately I think they should've focused more on the villains than whether it's okay for them to kiss in front of Joe. I just thought it took up just one-two too many minutes in this episode that could've been used for the villains instead. Or they should've cut the Jesse/Wally scenes that also took up too much time than they needed but they worked better so it's a tough choice either way.

Caitlin's Killer Frost subplot is going to be interesting to see and Cisco might've gotten a hint that she has powers.

A similarly icy character made a cameo, Captain Cold. I thought it was a clever way to bring him back and I hope he will return, for real, sometime in the future.

All in all I really enjoyed the episode, could've had more of the villains but I'm sure they'll be back. Next week's episode looks fun, can't wait.
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