The Flash: The New Rogues (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Continues To Be the Best Show on the Network
25 October 2016
I definitely never thought we would see Gorilla Grodd, but I also had doubts we would ever see Mirror Master on this show. But between the two, it seemed way more likely we would get the latter. His abilities are very difficult to display effectively on a lower budget TV show, but I think they did a solid job tonight.

The question was more about whether Mirror Master was going to be one of the 'big-bads' or merely a memorable one-off. Perhaps that's a question we won't know the answer to for a while, especially considering this season seems pretty loaded already with Alchemy, Savitar, and maybe even The Rival still being out there. Grey Damon didn't necessarily wow me with his acting ability as Sam Scudder/Mirror Master, but I definitely enjoyed the different type of obstacle Barry had to overcome with the focus being on mini wormholes through mirrors.

Meanwhile, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry chose to look for a replacement Wells to fill the gap in the team when Harry eventually leaves. It's a rather silly idea, but as a fan it had me feeling torn. I LOVE this Earth-2 version of Wells and would hate for him to not be a season regular, but it gives Tom Cavanagh to once again do something different with the character. So we did get a new Wells for next week, who I believe is from Earth-19. But it's also probably not the last time we see Harry considering we never got to hear what he said right before he left.

Speaking of silly, tonight had a ton of unnecessarily romantic awkwardness with the show's two "couples". Wally and Jesse had some fun running around the city enjoying Jesse's speed but also painfully teasing Wally getting speed/his lack of speed. I'm sorry but Wally's dialogue felt extremely cringe worthy all night long. Equally as awkward was Barry feeling weird about kissing Iris in front of Joe. Classic CW sure, but did we need this at all? It provided comedic relief, but it wasn't the kind of laughs the show was probably hoping for. Soo dang awkward and unnecessary.

It was yet another fun episode of The Flash. Loved seeing Jesse Quick in action in a speedster suit (even if it was pretty much identical to Trajectory's suit from last season). I also quite enjoyed Mirror Master and Top's unique powers and a nice prolonged cameo from Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold. Speaking of which, when and how will he come back in Legends? But tonight also gave us a further glimpse into Caitlin's Killer Frost ability. I kept wondering why she didn't just reveal her powers so that Barry would get out of the mirror, but of course she had to do it secretly. I just hope that this isn't something that will ruin her dynamic with the team or completely transform her personality. No matter, I definitely have confidence The Flash will continue to be the best show on CW.

+Wells' side mission

+Mirror Master/Top switch up the formula

+Killer Frost teases

-Romantic awkwardness

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