Not About Reality of Our Times
22 October 2016
The construction of this film perfectly demonstrated the integration of form and content with its division into chapters reflecting the stations of the cross.The use of single shot sequences attempted to complete this structure with a fly on the wall technique reflecting the realist script/acting style. A recording of the effects on a young girl of religious extremism. Where I found a shortfall in the film was in the use of such extreme belief in modern Europe.No doubt there are many such believers,whether Christian,Muslim,Jewish or any other religion. But it is in the ordinary, everyday influence of the church that ,it seems to me, most influence is seen and bypassed in drama because it is not so viable for dramatic usage in film/television. For example, the values taught in schools and reinforced in mainstream media as norms for being a "good" or "successful" member of society can have severe effects on young people,and throughout life. For mainstream writers/media the ordinary is a no go area.And yet it is here that millions and millions of people live in a world inhabited by, and constructed out of , religious belief. My criticism of this film,then, is that it suffered the fate of the story teller..be it soap opera on the Telly or film for the pictures....."make it dramatic...go for the extreme...the real world is too mundane".
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