The Last Detective: The Man from Montevideo (2007)
Season 4, Episode 4
The second last episode ever for The Last Detective
19 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The London black cabs abound in this, the second last episode ever of The Last Detective. We also get to see the famous green cab shelters that are an exclusive resting spot for London cabbies. One thing I like about The Last Detective, and this episode is no exception, is the London streets we see. You can also feel the cold weather just by watching this and other episodes of The Last Detective. It's very atmospheric in that sense.

The murder of a limo driver is the subject of The Man from Montevideo, and a sub-plot is the football match between Aspinall and his squad vs. some other team, with sheep playing a prominent role believe it or not!!

One prescient line was when one of the characters referred to someone as "Uruguay's answer to Donald Trump"!!
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