U Turn (I) (2016)
U Turn is one of the most unique ideas in recent times and on of the best movies of 2016.Brilliant mystery thriller..
18 October 2016
U Turn (2016): Pawan Kumar is the most discussed film maker in Indian Cinema during 2013 because of his masterpiece Lucia which set a new benchmark for Indian Cinema.Indian film Industry has never seen a movie like Lucia and when it was released it is appreciated by lot of celebrities like Anurag Kashyap,Amir Khan etc...So his next movie U Turn which is a mystery thriller with horror touch,has raised a lot of expectations and even its trailer is so promising and showed that it is going to be unique.So how is U Turn??

Plot: This movie is based on a famous double flyover bridge in Bangalore where the divider blocks are misplaced so that motorists can take a quick U Turn to avoid traffic.They don't move them back and the blocks are left to lie randomly on the road leading to many accidents.Rachana (Shraddha Srinath),an intern in Indian express prepares to confront those who break rules with the help of a homeless man who resides near flyover and notes those vehicle's number and gives it to her.When she tried to confront her first guy,an unexpected event occurs which leads to unbelievable mass suicide where all the culprits she noted have died in mysterious circumstances and Rachana becomes main suspect.With the help of Inspector Nayak (Roger Narayan) Rachana starts investigating this mystery.

Plus Points:

1)Story Screenplay & Direction: U Turn is one of the most unique ideas in recent times.A horror thriller with a social message are very rare and U Turn needs a wide applause for its uniqueness.Pawan Kumar's direction is brilliant and he never failed even in minute details.His creativity and making is award winning work.Screenplay is racy and thrilling.

2)Performances: Performances are mostly natural.Shradha may not have great looks but her performance is very good.Narayan as Inspector Nayak is the best performer in U Turn.Each and every actor gave decent performances.

3)Music: BGM is brilliant and suits the mood of the movie.Poornachandra Tejaswi did splendid job.

4)Cinematography: Advaitha Gurumurthy's cinematography is natural and best.There are no extra effects in lighting and used mostly natural light.

5)Duration: U Turn is just 2hr long which helped it a lot with no dragging scenes and edge of the seat thriller.

Minus Points: None..

So,U Turn is one of the most unique ideas in recent times and one of the best movies of 2016.Brilliant mystery thriller..

My rating 9/10
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