The Demented (2013)
Highly enjoyable zombie effort
13 October 2016
Heading out for a weekend getaway, a group of friends staying at a remote mansion house find themselves stuck in a quarantined zone when a terrorist attack unleashes a biological infection that turns people into ravenous zombies and must try to stay alive.

This one wasn't all that bad of a zombie effort. What really works here is the fact that there's quite a lot of rather fun and frantic zombie action on display which gives this one such a fun and exciting pace throughout here. From the opening shot of the missile striking and going off, there's quite a great deal of action that occurs after then which starts with the encounter with the rabid dog and leads into the great road-side brawl with the infected citizen that gives this a nice start before the zombies attack the house. Those are rather fun as well with the film featuring plenty of fine fighting in the kitchen to the chasing upstairs into the bedroom and dealing with the creatures there, and the eventual escape plan of running past them to get to the car and eventual safety makes for a thrilling action set-piece as they race past the creatures and get to safety. The scenes of them in the town are also quite fun with the group running into the massive horde on several occasions leading to some thrilling moments getting chased down the streets and into the back alleyways trying to dodge the snarling beings right on their heels and wading through the apocalyptic imagery there which leads to some chilling scenes here. The fact that the chilling finale is quite fun which goes for the rather daring series of chases throughout the college and into the big brawls in the hallways as there's more brawls and fights with the zombies running after them and generating plenty of solid chills here. Alongside the fine- looking zombies that are given a nice new trick with them being frozen stiff until they hear a sound and then snap into action which generates a great deal of positive points, these here are what work for this one. Even with these positives, there's a few minor flaws here in the fact that the film really slows down considerably in the middle here as there's long stretches of time with them in the house debating their plan of action and being hidden away from the zombies which reduces these segments to a crawl-like pace. It's a little too long to last in a film like this which features them going at a faster clip and probably could've gone at a faster cadence since it doe slow the film somewhat. Likewise, there's also the fact that this one really does seem a lot drier than most others would expect in a zombie film with a large amount of gruesomeness cut out of the film with the majority of the carnage committed against the zombies and only minor bits of flesh-ripping and other rather violent bits here. Otherwise there's not a whole lot to really dislike here.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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