Charmed: Forget Me... Not (2003)
Season 6, Episode 3
Lost memory
1 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The cleaners are forced to act when Wyatt exposes magic and erase him from existence. The charmed ones caste a memory spell to take them back in time to fill in the blanks. The episode attempts humor as Phoebe starts a fight at work, a man comments that a dragon look like an over sized bird and Piper keeps hearing a baby giggle while everyone thinks she's crazy. It feels forced in its depiction to be funny instead of letting it flow from natural talent instead of the scenes calling for it. Also I find the cleaners to be a terrible concept introducing them this late in the game as they take Wyatt away for conjuring the dragon and exposing magic. It opens up the question on where they were when they were exposed three years ago by Shax. They basically a Were allowing the world to find out about magic and I though Libris were in control of killing off anyone who finds evidence.

Also if the cleaners can stop memories from being erased why do they leave traces of Deju vu so the witches affected will come suspicious and travel back anyway making their job harder. Another ridiculous plot is Phoebe starting a fight at work yet keeps her job and Paige can knock a sexist boss out and not be arrested. Its terrible writing not set in reality and I don't know his the writers kept their jobs after this monstrosity.
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