Baby Love (1969)
Put Your Shoes On, Luci
27 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 1965 a modest five-hander slipped under the radar and attracted some tasty ink. It was shot in Gloomcolor which is black and white with a fog filter and the storyline followed two couples supported by the Thames. All five actors were more or less unknown and the film was called Four In The Morning. One of the males, Norman Rodway, worked steadily and in that same year played Hotspur in Orson Welles Chimes At Midnight, the finest Shakespeare movie ever made. Joe Melia also worked steadily without setting the world on fire as did Brian Phelan. One of the two females was Judi Dench, making her film debut, and what happened to her is anyone's guess. The other female, was Ann Lynn and she impressed me but slipped of my radar at least so when I noticed she had a role in Baby Love it was sufficient for me to watch it. Alas, I lived to regret it. Very wisely two of the five writers, Michael Robson and Henri Safran opted to remain uncredited, the other three clearly have no sense of shame. This is the kind of film that gives drek like The Texas Chain-Saw Massacre a good name. All I can say is give this one plenty of the back of your neck.
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