Top-notch Formby fun!
22 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite Formby movies, this one is a riot of laughs and thrills from beginning to end, with George himself not only in fine form but heading a really distinguished cast that includes Googie Withers and Gus McNaughton. Oddly the excellent Studio Canal DVD also alerts us to the presence of Ronald Shiner, despite the fact that Shiner's role is not only small but totally out of character. Shiner plays one of the crooks, but it's a serious, not a comedy part and Shiner himself is not on screen for more than three minutes. But don't let Shiner's shiner hold you back from purchasing the excellent Studio Canal DVD. Lavishly produced by Jack Kitchin and directed at an admirably fast pace by Anthony Kimmins, Trouble Brewing is first class entertainment from first to last. And it's now available, as said above, on an excellent Studio Canal DVD.
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