Well photographed but pretty pointless
4 September 2016
Another disappointment for me, from the local film industry for 2016. After an awe-inspiring 2015, I guess the next year could never live up to it, but so far there doesn't seem to have been either a runaway hit nor an impressive Australian movie to cheer for. 'Looking For Grace' is sadly looking for a purpose, as it seems to be very caught up in its conceit, but not really making any great insights or character development during its healthy 100 minute duration.

I've enjoyed some of Sue Brooks' earlier work; especially 'Road to Nihill' but this one just fell flat and felt overdone and without credulity. Why Radha Mitchell's lead character was allowed to cultivate such an over the top accent; escapes me. It made her seem a caricature and the serious storyline reduced to whimsy or light comedy. Lkewise thespian for many decades,Richard Roxburgh was painfully broad and faux comedic, where a more grounded and considered performance would have worked so much better. As with 'The Daughter' (another disappointing and forced dramatic work), Odessa Young really saves this movie too. With a naturalistic style and interesting presence, the actress really gives 'Looking for Grace' its saving grace, as the protagonist to this very choppy and muddy narrative. At the other end of the age spectrum, veteran Terry Norris brings real warmth and character to the film; but again the plot inserts him but doesn't really explain how he is there and how he is able to help the main characters. Ultimately, the plot and the film really don't hang together, and combined with some woeful over- acting, it is hard to get too excited about this movie.

Per capita, Australia must have more skilled cinematographers than any country in the world, and 'Looking for Grace' thankfully has a terrific eye in Katie Milwright who gives the film a terrific sense of place and scope. I only wish that the screenplay had provided everybody something more coherent and meaningful to work with.
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