The Sector (2016)
Why does this movie exist
30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for sci-fi post apocalyptic films but this wasn't worth the watch.

This movie is badly shot, horribly scripted, and poorly cast. B movie doesn't mean bad film; for some reason people feel that producing a B-movie means, "Lets go make the worst low budget film ever".

There were several actors in the film that I wished had better lines or bigger roles in the film. I couldn't figure out why they cast the actor that they had as the protagonist.

(spoiler alert) I really didn't get the sub-plot, with the alternate reality nonsense, it was completely irrelevant. I couldn't figure out why they stuck Lance Henriksen in the role. It just seemed like they wanted to get people to watch their movie; so they got certain celebs to show up for bit parts in their film. Bit parts that just made no sense to the plot of their film.

Then there was the very noticeable plastic props. I mean really, at least put something on or over your "Toy" weapons; to hide the glare of the plastic from the camera.

I have no idea who helped find the locations and created the sets for the film. They could have at least used filters for the shoots, set up lighting, and found barren settings to film in if they had a low budget to no-budget.

Then there was the digital blood; it looked noticeably fake.

I've seen Hollywood quality, 10 minute shorts on Youtube, filmed with an iPhone, produced by High School Students, that look, sound, and feel better than this movie.

There's no excuse for this at all ...
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