Review of Tank 432

Tank 432 (2015)
A Tank Full of Fun
25 August 2016
I've just seen Tank 432. And I can predict that many are likely going to hate it, but I absolutely loved it.

I basically can't give anything away, particularly involving what its about as that just wouldn't be fair, but let's just say that all is not what it seems, and the mystery of the situation certainly adds to the atmosphere. My missus who saw it with me, didn't like the ending at all (which brings only some explanation of events) but I was happy enough accepting how things were left to the viewers own interpretation of the situation. And in some ways the film is about as straight forward as Benson & Moorheads Resolution (though maybe its not just as head scratching as that).

The scenes within the tank are tense and very well done, with all actors playing their parts in the enclosed space wonderfully and all on a limited budget too. This is the second horror film I've caught Gordon Kennedy in after the brilliant Borderlands movie and I enjoyed this one nearly as much. Tank 432 doesn't really kick into gear until the group get into the vehicle so just hang on for that.

Just don't expect to be dotting the I's and crossing the T's by the end haha.
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