A really good, almost great Portuguese soap opera
30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The following review contains minor spoilers.

When I first heard of "O Beijo do Escorpião" and its story, I knew this was going to be a really good show. I was really hyped for it because it wasn't your average Portuguese soap opera, it offered something different in some aspects. And let me tell ya folks, it didn't disappoint.

The story is kinda unoriginal, taking the sisters separated from their families, one is good, the other one is evil and the evil one wants to destroy the good one's life, blah blah blah. But actually, the execution is kind of unpredictable. For example, the good sister (Rita) has a husband and the evil sister (Alice) likes to use her appearance to manipulate and get what she wants. Now you would think the husband would be her first target, but actually she goes for her son, which is way more evil if you think about it.

Also this is a good way to talk about what makes the story so great, and that is Alice. Alice is everything you want in a soap opera villain. She is manipulative, vingative, always gets what she wants, a liar, a backstabber and all that good stuff. Sara Matos does a wonderful job at her first role as a villain. The other cast is really really good, but in here, Alice gets the spotlight, for being such a good and remarkable villain.

The subplots, like a Portugal soap opera, always focus on today's social issues. There is a gay storyline, which actually was compiled in a little show in YouTube called "Paulo and Miguel" or something and is really popular, there is a comic relief subplot about a former contestant on a reality show is trying to stay relevant, but by far the showstealer is the Albequerque family. They could get a whole soap opera of their own. You got the old father, that has two daughters in which the daughter has run away and pregnant with another boy which he doesn't like, you got the mother who is always drunk and constantly getting beaten up by her husband, you got the cold daughter who follows her father's rules and also has a husband who likes to cheat on her and is also a criminal, you got the other daughter as previously discussed and you got the son who is dating the comic relief and doesn't support his father's ways. I think that they are a really good source of drama and honestly they should have gotten their own spin-off soap opera.

If I had one little problem with the show it would be two: First, the show kind of drags too much. If this was made in the U.S.A. this could have actually been a better show because plots and story lines would have ended quickly, but because it's a Portuguese soap opera and it has 200 episodes, it needs to drag a little bit in order to fit its duration. The other problem is the ending. Now I know this is a spoiler review but I am not going to spoil the ending but it kinda leaves the story open and it really has no reason to end like this other than saying "Will there be a sequel to this show?" because they had done that with one of their soap operas and now they left this ending open for the possibility of a sequel, which I don't think is happening anytime soon.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a really good Portuguese soap opera, "O Beijo do Escorpião" is a great choice. It's got a good story, stunning acting, great subplots that connect with the main story and developed characters.

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