Clinton Cash (2016)
Shocking tale of corruption and cronyism
23 July 2016
If only half of the presented facts in this documentary are true, then the USA will have a bleak future ahead of it.

This film is based on the New York Times bestselling book with the same name by Peter Schweizer from 2015. The movie was financed by the executive chairman of Breitbart News, a right wing media organization which prominently and enthusiastically supported Donald Trump from the very beginning of his campaign. Take this as you will.

The main topic of the documentary is the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit corporation founded by Bill Clinton in 1997 and run by both Hillary and Bill Clinton. Supposedly dedicated to helping people in need, but only 10% of the money flowing into the foundation is actually used for charity work.

Weirdly enough the foundation receives large donations from foreign donors whenever the Clinton's work out deals and contracts in these foreign nations in the name of the State Department. Plus exorbitant speaking fees in the tens of millions of dollars range, also paid by said foreign donors and their associates. Cases ranging from atom weapon deals with India to misappropriated development aids for Haiti and environmentally irresponsible Canadian oil pipelines.

The documentary presents these cases in a somewhat dramatized fashion, with background images of burning money next to photos of the Clintons shaking hands with 3rd world despots, including dramatic music in the background.

Overall is the documentary an eye-opening experience. Definitely a must-see movie for people interested in the coming election.
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