Review of Intruder

Intruder (III) (2016)
Psychologically creepy; Extremely disappointing.
5 July 2016
Intruder is a film that succeeds with the psychological fear that someone could be sneaking around in your house, right under your nose. Stalking you, and overall watching you. Anything else, however? No.

We follow our character Elizabeth who is an up, and coming orchestra musician. Her life is then provoked as an intruder makes his way into her home, watching her when she isn't looking. The plot of this film, for starters was utterly cliché. There have been countless films that use the following gimmick - Girl / guys' life is becoming a dream, they plan everything they want to do - but in the process of doing so, their life is suddenly turned, and provoked. And it all comes crashing down before them. We've seen this gimmick countless times before, and this film literally just throws the cliché right at our faces. To add onto the cliché plot, the execution of said cliché in this film was actually quite bad. The delivery of the clichéd plot felt flawed, and overall came across the line as completely boring, uneventful, and even tedious. Through this entire film the occurrences displayed felt boring, lifeless, and even cardboard - like. Nothing really felt as if it was coming through in a way that would phase. We literally sit for about 30 - to even 50 minutes of the film listening to convocations that end up being completely pointless, and feeling as if it was there to serve as run - time. Throughout the film, this "intruder" doesn't make a single move. Only once does he make a move that negatively affects the main character's life. One. Other than that, we're patiently awaiting for the alleged intruder to strike, but in the end he never does. This film's pacing was agonizingly long, it felt. Something that's quite bad, obviously for a horror movie. The pacing just felt atrocious in the sense this is a home invasion film, it deeply lacks any action, or anything that poses the killer as menacing, scary, or terrifying. The film throws probably one of the most obvious "twists" at the viewer as well, a twist that can be easily, easily seen, and when finally is shown is utterly disappointing, and fails to add any shock value, or thrill. This movie in its entirety lacks thrills, and overall entertaining aspects. Something that should be taken advantage of ( I'd assume ) in a home invasion film. The only thing positively I can really say is that the film somewhat managed to touchdown on the psychological fear of someone lurking in the darkness of your house. I can also say the acting was some-what decent, but in all honesty I feel as if the film threw characters in that we really don't end up, in the end, caring about. Again, the films execution, even with the characters, is boring.

To wrap things up, this was an atrociously disappointing film. It seems to try quite hard to add thrills, or to even phase the audience, but when reaching the end of the film it ends up failing in the much needed aspect. This film deeply lacked needed elements for a successful home invasion flick, let alone horror flick. The film drags excruciatingly long, having absolutely no pay off. The film attempts to add a twist, but said twist is extremely obvious, and blatant halfway through the film if you're one to make theories. The ending to the film paid off in no way, shape, or form, in fact actually set this film to an all time low, I feel. To top it all off, there were also some pointless add- on's to this film as well. For example a character that randomly spooks Elizabeth, then disappears. Never to be seen again. And finally, this entire film never explains itself, and just falls flat on its face entirely. By no means to I recommend this film. I can even, honestly go as far as to say this was one, if not THE disappointing "horror" film of the entire 2016 year. I understand all, in all it was an attempt. But this was a cliché from the start, and as a whole just seemed pointless.
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