Haunted (II) (2013)
Looks like Most Haunted, but there's no story
30 June 2016
MOST HAUNTED was a pseudo documentary programme following the adventures of a group of ghost hunters as they explored various haunted residences throughout the British Isles. As a show it enjoyed extraordinary popularity back in the day, seemingly from credulous viewers who were convinced that genuine ghostly encounters were being captured on tape when in fact all of it was faked.

HAUNTED is a found footage style horror film that's been designed to look EXACTLY like the MOST HAUNTED TV show. There's a presenter who looks and sounds like Yvette Fielding and even a medium who imitates Derek Acorah. I was never a fan of the TV series myself, but it looks gripping in comparison to this non-starter of a film. I appreciate that visually it's a match, but there's no story!

There's nothing here at all. Just a bunch of uninteresting characters chatting and repetitively talking about what they might or might not see. HAUNTED makes stuff like the GRAVE ENCOUNTERS movies look like masterworks in comparison; GRAVE ENCOUNTERS might be poor, but at least there's stuff going on, unlike in this slow and eventless movie. It's completely pointless, to say the least.
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