Depressingly unrealistic
22 June 2016
"I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With" is one of those movies where you are supposed to feel sorry for the hard luck case in it, but really you just can't get past how much better his life is in it than it would be for someone in a similar circumstance in real life. What's depressing is that there are very few, if any, movies made about people like this which are realistic at all, perhaps because such a movie would be too bleak for anyone to bear sitting through.

The character played by Jeff Garlin, James, is an overweight, underemployed actor who lives with his mother and has, the back of the box tells us, "problems with women". He still manages to snag the gorgeous Sarah Silverman, who sexually propositions him on their first meeting.

When the movie begins another girl, also ridiculously good looking for a guy like James, dumps him, and again I guess we are supposed to feel sorry for him. I'm sorry, but the fact that he got a girl like that to go out with him in the first place, and then later repeats the trick with Silverman, makes him well and truly above our pity. He should be pitying us.

Are you having a hard time feeling sorry for him? I was.

The movie is typical low key comedy stuff: dialogue which is humorous but never laugh out loud funny. It's not pointed enough to really make you laugh, but it might make you smile.
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