Dynasty: The Titans: Part 1 (1985)
Season 6, Episode 6
movie-length episode
2 June 2016
The ship is still sinking, and they're throwing out rafters to create a spin-off. It becomes a cast of thousands, some with promise, and others you just couldn't care about, but they're obviously going to be in the show sprouting off from this.

Let me just say, that Stephanie Beacham, Sable... the fakest, coldest character imaginable! Like yuck! Okay, so time treated her well, but convincing as a loving wife? What a cardboard character! As for that suntan, hope it's sun bronzer, as fake as your character.

There is a promising daughter named Bliss. Gee, what father would allow his daughter to be called Bliss? Think about the potential ridicule! But anyway, huge potential in that one. Another feisty, wayward kid? In the tradition of Fallon. The older daughter, Monica, seems bland, a disappointment, as is the son, introduced some episodes ago, unconvincing. As for Charlton Heston, has possibilities, but Barbara Stanwyck, hell, what were they thinking? Some legendary old grand dame, but she comes across as... boring?

The show lasts for three seasons more, so obviously, something miraculous has to happen. Or does it linger on, limping about as it does now, with a glut of excess characters introduced at the whim of the floundering storyline?

As for the regulars, the excitement level is kept high by glorious Heather Locklear, simply stunning in that divine, hip-hugging, shoulder-less Dalmatian-print dress, in the scene with her confrontation with Stephen. Catherine Oxenberg represents the sheer, soft European elegance, a forerunner of the Nineties look. These two are as different as chalk and cheese, the one almost wild, the other cool. Both imminently watchable, and the reason why I purchased the set.

Joan Collins as a nun? :0
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