Review of CO2

CO2 (2010)
An entirely boring independent environmental thriller
11 May 2016
CO2 is an independent science fiction thriller about an environmental disaster caused by an evil corporation pumping gas beneath a lake. One day the carbon dioxide escapes, causing a poisonous gas cloud that the locals must try to escape from.

Okay, so the premise is workable, but it's the execution that lets this one down. Being an independent production, the script is extremely workmanlike and there are no attempts at any kind of writing outside the most basic and obvious. The characters are one dimensional, the set-pieces are anything but exciting, and the suspense is non-existent.

I would criticise the calibre of the acting, but I was expecting it to be poor so that didn't bother me too much. What does bother me is all of the wasted effort having gone into something so uneventful and heavy-handed. The scenes with the survivors struggling with their oxygen cylinders should be inherently thrilling and yet they never are. Give this one a miss!
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