Review of Fog of War

The 100: Fog of War (2014)
Season 2, Episode 6
She Walks!
28 April 2016
Alright, that's it. I'm quitting this show now. I probably should have done it long ago as is has been on a downward slope for quite a while now. It's a shame because it has great potential and I really did like some of the tense early episodes. Especially when the plot was split between what was going on in space on on the ground. I suppose the fast pace of each episode is one of the strong points and the show has not lost that but there are simply just too many inconsistencies and implausibilities now and you just can't ignore them any more as they're turning into the shows great weakness. So Raven has complex surgery to remove the bullet (without any anesthesia), she ends up with one leg paralyzed but now strolls through the woods like the rest of them because a guy builds some kind of support for her? Give me a break! Goodbye, 100, you had your moments but it's time to call it a day. And there won't be any happy returns!
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