Union Bound (2016)
A film of devotion dedication and perseverance that honors those who formed the Underground Railway during the Civil War.
25 April 2016
This film is not about Hollywood Hype but has a quality of production with a story that will impress. While delivering great entertainment this film is based on the true diary of a Union soldier that finds himself imprisoned behind enemy lines.

New friends, new allies and a new purpose to live gives the main character the will to go on. Through many tests and trials he learns that freedom is never free. In order to give freedom to the slaves a price beyond measure is paid by so many.

Union Bound is not washed in the typical movie clichés of filth, language or poor hygiene that most Hollywood films have. Most war films would have us believe that people lived in filth and ate garbage.

War was not pretty but people had pride in their uniform and respect was important to them. Where most script writers cannot finish a sentence without a curse word this film is true to its time.

No it is not a 50 Million dollar tax right off Hollywood production but rather a quality film about real characters played by real people.Certainly a film that history buffs will enjoy....perhaps even learn something they never knew before.
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