Difficult film to rate
4 April 2016
Drawing Down the Moon is a difficult film to place a rating on, because it reaches people in very different spaces. For those who practice Wicca or any other form of Paganism, it will be seen as either a triumph, or an utter failure. It's one of the very few films that offers anything resembling an accurate portrayal of any Wiccan ritual. But the person performing these rituals is what many Pagans would call "fluffy".

Gwynyth, in this film, is something of a plastic character, seeming, at once, to display confidence and naivete. In the words of Dion Fortune, "Ignorance is, at times, an excellent substitute for courage".

I would have enjoyed this film much more if the situations were a bit closer to reality. Where the portrayals of Wiccan practice were at once partially accurate and partially cartoonish, so were the situations that Gwynyth found herself embroiled in.

Koenig, playing the part of Joe Merchant is an unrealistic character seeking an unrealistic goal - as is "The corporation" he is working for - as is the local police department. The characters and situations are lacking in depth.

Obviously, the film is something of a limited budget amateur attempt, and as such, as a first work, and as something targeted for a small community, it is remarkable - certainly in a league with "Spirit of Albion". But for a larger audience, it would not have popular appeal. It doesn't compete with films like "The Craft" - but then again, The Craft was much more about the special effects and satisfying a horror audience.

As a Pagan, I enjoyed this film - because there is very little material available that is produced for a Pagan audience. Hopefully this film, and "Spirit of Albion" will somehow push writers and producers to create more.
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