The movie is awful. The astroturfing reviews and ratings are even worse.
24 March 2016
First, the "movie". Wooden acting. Claymation "special effects" that are weak even by 60's standards. No plot. Non-linear story line caused a constant state of confusion. It makes "Manos: Hands of Fate" look like an Oscar winner. I got sucked in due to seeing Patrick Stewart's name attached to it, but I have to assume that he got involved either due to familial duty or blackmail.

The fake reviews and ratings really irritate me the most. It is one thing to lay an egg. It is another to try to cover it up. I wish IMDb would screen for this kind of thing. Just treat it as a learning experience and move on rather than doubling down on the mess by spamming accounts to inflate the miserable scores.

Over all, "Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage" is a creative and ethical nightmare. Avoid it at all costs.
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