New York, New York
21 March 2016
Three minutes in I knew the origins of this movie - i.e. northeast region, most likely NY. How, you ask? Will you probably didn't but here it is. It must have something to do with the high levels of atmospheric, land & water pollution that has delayed cognitive development in that region. It seems that every other movie that has the "I Love NY" bumper sticker in the ending credits has as it's storyline soft porn; dysfunctional relationships; restaurants & eating (w/alcohol, too); lots of face to face dialogue that is at the high school sophomoric love crush readability level. Mechanics rating: 1. Memorize a line, regurgitate, cut, edit, next line, and on and on. 2. No special features, but then nothing special to feature. 3. No subtitles for those that need them or to just hear important dialogue (not important in this case).
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