8 (for a season 7, thats like a 200)
12 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was for a season 7 story pretty good. I always complain that season 7 is nothing but episodes about love. These were about love but i found them interesting. Maybe its cause i started drinking beer at 6 pm and its 11 pm, im not sure but it caught my attention. So we got one story where a rich widow comes to the island to tell her butler she loves him (rich people spend money on stupid crap) and a story about a dancer Rourke loved and caused her to need a cane, who wants to dance again. It's odd the dance thing, today i heard George Michaels "never going to dance again" song , i know the lyrics due to hearing it so much at a college job. "Guilty feet with no rhythm so i m never going to dance the way i danced with you whoo hooo. oh no" So i think George Michael may have seen this episode before writing those lyrics. She loved Rourke and is back. He seems to be keen on her, which is odd, he had no problem rejecting that seductive Mermaid that was hot one episode. then it went to commercial. it was a ad for hearing loss with the Dallas Duffy guy. that made me feel dumb. anyhow...

So this older lady with a cane loved dancing and wants to dance again and its seems to be Rourke did something that injured her. not sure what it was , i missed it. dropped her on a dip, stepped on her hip, whatever. So he is able to heal her for two days, and how she dances, and he hugs her with his big hands. all is well. but it wont last. Drama drama drama, that seems to go on with dancing happens and then she has her big show. but it "comes at a price" as Rourke would say. So she dances with 4 guys, in this bizarre to me dance. I think a few of them may have been gay. then she is carried off stage, Rourke pets her hair oddly when she isn't looking, she is so into dancing that he makes it so she can dance forever at a price, her not remembering his love and her love for him. they dance again, the guys prance off, belvedere is tickled pink to run flowers to her, and Rourke stands there sad. She leaves the Island and Belvedere notes she is leaving like they are just casual friends. very sad.

THe other story, i thought was all over the place, like some confused 23 year old woman wrote it was a rich widow that wants to let her Butler know she is into him and date. His name in real life was effrem zimbalist and it was a JR. lol. that caught my attention. anyhow this was a special belvedere request. Remember that sick and perverted Tattoos requests for fantasies? Belevedere is better, if i wasn't 7 at the time , i would have made bumper stickers and posters saying that. so they find out each other likes each other. some gossip hen ladies show up that know them, see they are eating together , make fun of them, then they are like go to hell. but then they are like this wont work, then they are like who cares what anyone thinks., then they are like we care, then shes into him and hes doing her but then is like, i should just be a butler ,then they seem to do it, then he is like my dad and my dad s dad and his dads dad are all butlers so thats what i am and we cant date, but pay no attention my dad, and my dads dad and his dads dad must have had sex to have kid butlers and then she is like i don't care but he is concerned with his lack of not being a butler , how will he be able to support her if he doesn't have the job of making money from her as her butler. They'd go broke. think about that one carefully. they leave the island holding hands and that makes belvedere happy. SO crazy stupid i enjoyed it, reminded me of dating.
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