The Best Drama of All Time
29 February 2016
This is an absolute masterpiece, in fact I cannot convey really in words how good this series is.Very humorous in parts, but very dark also, it portrays working class Liverpool in 1980s Britain, when the North was ostricised by the soulless Margaret Thatcher, it takes us back to a day where people cared for each other, before the world became very selfish and decided to go with the "bugger you jack I'm alright culture", I long for the day when humanity can care for each other like they did in this series, unfortunately I doubt that will ever happen again. It also questions the role of religion, why should we have any respect for a god who only seems to bring us suffering.Bleasdale is a genius,and great acting by pretty much the entire cast led, by the likes of Hill,Angelis,Walters.
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