"Beautiful Killing Machine"
28 February 2016
"Cheryl" (Rei Natsume) is a bodyguard who has been assigned to guard a jewel smuggler from Hong Kong by the name of "Kou Sawamura" (Naomasa Musaka). To help her she relies upon a very small team which consists of her handler named "Mark" (Shunsuke Kariya), an electronics technician by the name of "Lucky Earl" and her physician "Dr. Kyoko Hayami" (Saiko Isshiki). Unfortunately, what none of them realize is the extent to which Kou Sawamura's enemies want him dead as they have hired the best assassin available who goes by the name of "the Owl". So far so good as far as plots are concerned and even though the character development is sketchy this movie proceeds pretty well--up until the last 20 minutes--at which time a new twist is introduced which pretty much ruins everything. Now, from what I understand this film is based on a short story so I am not sure how closely it follows the original outline. Likewise, it's not unusual for Japanese "pinku" movies to sometimes push the proverbial envelope when it comes to scenes involving sex or gore. But in any case, I wasn't particularly pleased with the ending and I have rated this movie accordingly. Below average.
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