For the most part, a disappointment
14 February 2016
Even if you are a die hard fan of spaghetti westerns, it's likely that you'll find this particular one pretty disappointing. It doesn't get off to a good start; the first thirty or so minutes are kind of slow, and the (limited) action in this section of the movie is pretty flatly done. When the movie does get more or less to the thirty minute mark, things do pick up - but only slightly. The action doesn't get much more exciting than what we saw in the first part of the movie, even though there are many excuses for it. It doesn't help that the two leads of the movie, Craig Hill and George Martin, don't give very charismatic performances (though to be fair, the script gives them few favors.) The last twenty minutes of the movie - when things really start to get desperate for the leads - aren't that bad, being tough and gritty as well as kind of exciting. If the first eighty minutes had been like that, we might have had something here. But as it is, those good last twenty minutes are not enough to save the movie from being labelled as mediocre and drab as a whole. And with the official American DVD release of this movie using a pretty crummy print, there's even less reason for spaghetti western fans to give this particular effort a look.
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