Community: Introduction to Finality (2012)
Season 3, Episode 22
S3: Weak start but picks up in second half to good effect despite being the weaker than the previous two seasons
7 February 2016
Coming into Community after it has already finished its run does mean that you tend to pick up on the opinions of others online (particularly for this show). As such I had heard various others discussing the series in terms of when it works and didn't. Coming to season 3 after very much enjoying the previous two, I did feel some disappointment with the first third of the season as it didn't quite have the spark I was hoping for. I am not entirely sure what it was about it, but the plots seemed a bit flat, and the lines not as funny.

Perhaps part of this was the season trying to have more of a through-line in the season. This it manages, but it wasn't until the season was well underway where I felt it picked up and starting being more consistently funny. Maybe it was the guest stars – all of whom were nice in their moments, but still managed to make the show feel like it was trying too hard to bring them in. This aside, the majority of the season does work very well. Okay the plots being connected does occasionally mean that the free-floating madness of it all is a little lost, but there is enough of that to still make it work. The main cast produce their usual good delivery, and it was fun to see more from Rash and Jeong as the show fills out. As I mentioned, aside from the show feeling a bit like it is pushing the big names, the famous guests are not too distracting and do decent work.

Having read that the show's creator left at the end of this season it will be interesting to see what happens into the fourth season; generally the opinion seems to be it is a real step down, which would be a shame since even this slightly weaker third season is enjoyable and funny.
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