Review of Space Cop

Space Cop (2016 Video)
The Bad, The Worse and The Tribute
1 February 2016
It is strange how in a rare occasions when I watch some movie all I can think of, as movie progresses, how I'm going to write IMDb review and this is one of these times. Now everybody that watches this movie is kind of a fan of guys from RLM and I know their fascination with bad movies to which this is tribute to, but even those bad movies, that RLM people watch, are trying to be good movies, but are made by people who don't know how to make a movie and they end up bad. In other words bad movies are made by people that believe in what they're doing, have at least some amount of ambition, usually wanting to push some sort of idea out there that will make people think or entertain. "Space Cop" is not. RLM guys end up looking like they're too good or just to cynical to even try to think of some story, not to mention good story or screenplay and dialogue (yes the dialogue is so bad that even actors after they say their lines look at themselves in wonder how awful it is).

One of the main jokes is that SF movies usually fail at science, no matter how expensive they are, but RLM fails to see that even when science doesn't make sense in movies it doesn't matter to viewers because they care about the story and characters. While here you have sets that look like clumps of garbage with people speaking equally appalling dialogue and utterly stereotypical characters. Of course to mention how bad acting is is too pretentious of me because RLM guys are too "beyond that" - you see the cynicism.

What they did seem to succeed somewhat is music. Soundtrack is trying to sound like John Carpenter's music and it is a decent little tribute.

What it all comes down to is that RLM guys love movies and they sometime even speak of watching good movies like the ones Truffaut made, so when you watch this the only thing that goes trough your mind is "Why would anyone intentionally waste their time making such cynical muck?" It's like Harry asking Lloyd in trailer for "Dumb and Dumber To" if he was faking insane paralysis for 20 years just to troll people.

Or maybe it's just another one of those by bi-products by famous youtubers that make an awful "book" or an awful "movie" to cash in on their fame while it's still here.
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