Billions: Pilot (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Fight to the finish between a proficient and killer US attorney and a 'Robinhood ,man of the masses' type wall street billionaire.
15 January 2016
Billions has a great cast with actors who appeared before in great TV shows like Band Of Brothers, John Adams, Sons Of Anarchy etc. The first episode itself has engaging plots,twists and turns and the show definitely has a new genre of Wall Street-Insider Trading-Stock Market- Law Enforcement type of a thing . The pilot looks very promising and is different from all those crime solving shows which solve new cases every episode and the storyline of its main character moves very slowly in the background.This show is about one side against the other where who is protagonist and who is antagonist would be tough to determine thus making it difficult for the viewers to decide to root for which side. The performance of actors is awesome as the show has star studded star cast and so is the screenplay and the writing. All in all definitely an interesting and different option for viewers this winter and i think its a must watch show at least for this opening season
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