Pretty Typical; Doesn't Mean It's Bad
10 January 2016
There's a strangler on the loose. An old friend comes to see Charlie but stands by a window and gets himself strangled. Charlie, feeling guilt over this because the man had come to see him, vows to find the killer. This gets him on board a cruise ship where more people are being dispatched this way. Of course, Number One Son shows up, and mostly gets in the way. As is usually the case, there are bodies here and bodies there. There is the typical listening at the porthole because people talk so loud. There is the Number One Son getting arrested, mistaken for the strangler. There's the scene where everyone is in a room when the lights go out (I've seen that at least four times) and, of course, someone gets away or a piece of evidence is taken. Leo G. Carroll shows up. He was a regular supporting actor in many films of the time. I always remember him as the nonplussed Cosmo Topper in the old TV show of the fifties. Anyway, this is fun with little new to offer.
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